
  • Can Your Dog’s Tail Wag Reveal Their Emotions? Discover the Science Behind Tail-Wagging.

    Can Your Dog’s Tail Wag Reveal Their Emotions? Discover the Science Behind Tail-Wagging.

    The Science of Tail Wagging: Emotional Responses and Brain Lateralization in Dogs Understanding animal behavior gives deep insights into their emotions and brain processes. Two important studies show how dogs’ tail-wagging reflects their emotions and influences other dogs. Asymmetric Tail-Wagging Responses to Different Emotive Stimuli (2007) In 2007, Quaranta, Siniscalchi, and Vallortigara examined dogs’ tail-wagging…

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  • Understanding Positive Reinforcement: More than Giving Treats

    Understanding Positive Reinforcement: More than Giving Treats

    Positive reinforcement is a concept many of us have heard of, especially when it comes to training our furry companions. The basic idea is simple: reward a behavior you want to see more of, and it’s likely to be repeated. However, when it comes to addressing aggression in dogs, the application of positive reinforcement isn’t…

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  • Two Essential Aspects Overlooked in Tackling Dog Aggression

    Two Essential Aspects Overlooked in Tackling Dog Aggression

    In the intricate realm of addressing canine aggression, two fundamental aspects often evade the spotlight, yet serve as the bedrock for effective intervention. While strategies like desensitization and counter-conditioning rightfully garner attention, their efficacy hinges on mastering these foundational elements. Embarking on a journey to understand and address aggression in dogs necessitates a keen appreciation…

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  • The Sit-stay: danger in focusing only on Outward Behavior

    The Sit-stay: danger in focusing only on Outward Behavior

    Some trainers have said it doesn’t matter what the dog is feeling, it only matters that they behave. This can be reassuring for dog owners because understanding the inner workings of our canine companions can often feel like a labyrinth complete mystery. But focusing solely on a dog’s outward behavior without considering their internal state…

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  • Why Reactivity is Often a Warning Sign for Aggressive Behavior in Dogs

    Why Reactivity is Often a Warning Sign for Aggressive Behavior in Dogs

    If you are learning about dog aggression, you could be forgiven for thinking reactivity is the same as aggression. It seems like the terms are often interchanged. However, there are differences: reactivity in dogs refers to an overreaction to a stimulus, such as another dog, a person, noise or even touch. On the other hand,…

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  • L-Theanine for Dogs: Anti-anxiety effects

    L-Theanine for Dogs: Anti-anxiety effects

    There is limited research on the use of L-theanine specifically for dogs with behavior problems, but some studies suggest that it may have potential benefits for reducing anxiety and improving behavior. L-theanine is an amino acid found in green tea that has been studied for its calming effects on the brain. It is thought to…

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  • Buying a Dog DNA Test – What to Know

    Buying a Dog DNA Test – What to Know

    (Updated Mar 2023.) DNA testing for dogs has now been around for more than a decade. The first DNA tests for dogs for veterinarians was developed in 2007, with the first Direct-to-consumer DNA tests for dogs coming on to market since 2009. If you’re considering buying a dog DNA test, here are some things you…

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