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  • How to Recognize if Your Dog Likes Tummy Rubs

    How to Recognize if Your Dog Likes Tummy Rubs

    How to Recognize if Your Dog Likes Tummy Rubs, Petting (and Other Helpful Tips)! Humans often misinterpret dog signals.  We think a tail wag means a dog is happy, that all dogs love to be petted, or a dog rolling over on his back wants a tummy rub.  Does your dog like belly rubs? Find out. Relaxed dogs look loose…

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  • [VIDEO] What Everyone Ought to Know About Petting Dogs

    [VIDEO] What Everyone Ought to Know About Petting Dogs

    If we like dogs, we love to pet them.   And we take it for granted that dogs like being petted, too. In fact some studies show that pet petting can be relaxing for both animals and humans.  But do all of them love it?  Do they always enjoy it every time?  How can we…

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