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dog training tools
6 Other Ways to Keep Others Away From Your Dog
Of course we rely on our voice to communicate to other that they should keep their distance. However there are some of the pitfalls dog handlers run into that sometimes makes this simple solution not so simple. Pitfalls So we’ve put some suggestions together on what else has worked for other people who might help…
[VIDEO] How to Fit the Gentle Leader Like a Pro
You can buy the Gentle Leader almost anywhere now, including on Amazon. It is often recommended when dealing with or trying to control a lunging, pulling or aggressive dog. See more information on managing an aggressive dog with a head halter. Yet there are still a few dog owners (even some trainers) who haven’t learned…
[VIDEO] Make a Target Stick Work For You
Using a target stick is not essential for treating dog aggression. However they can be very useful for training! And training can be fun – especially this kind. It works by teaching the dog to touch the end of the target stick or pole. This way you can teach your dog to follow it. This is useful for encouraging…
[VIDEO] Who Else Wants to Teach a Dog to Drop it?
Teaching a Dog to Drop it Teaching your dog how to drop things when asked is very useful! Dogs routinely pick things up things in their mouths, from forbidden food to your underwear. Some dogs are even little thieves that will bury their heads into your guest’s purse when you are not looking, only to enjoy the…
Managing dog aggression by using a head halter for an aggressive dog
On this page: What is a Head Halter? Think of a head halter as a gentle bridle for your dog. It fits around their nose and behind their ears, connecting to the leash at the bottom. When your dog pulls, the halter redirects their head, making it harder to pull and easier for you to…