dogs and children

  • Seven Facts on Young Dog Bite Victims

    Seven Facts on Young Dog Bite Victims

    Many dog bites go unreported. But according to dog bites that are reported, young children, particularly under the age of nine are most at risk for dog bites. Most are bitten by a dog that they know. Most children are bitten while on the dog owner’s property. That suggests that while we may be cautious about strange…

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  • How to Recognize if Your Dog Likes Tummy Rubs

    How to Recognize if Your Dog Likes Tummy Rubs

    How to Recognize if Your Dog Likes Tummy Rubs, Petting (and Other Helpful Tips)! Humans often misinterpret dog signals.  We think a tail wag means a dog is happy, that all dogs love to be petted, or a dog rolling over on his back wants a tummy rub.  Does your dog like belly rubs? Find out. Relaxed dogs look loose…

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  • Dog and Toddler Safety: How to prevent bites

    Dog and Toddler Safety: How to prevent bites

    Statistically more children are seen by hospitals for dog bites than any other age group. It is simply far too easy for children to get bitten because they play with dogs the most and in ways that are more likely to alarm dogs.  In addition, they have less experience in reading the warning signs and are less able to defend themselves.…

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