Treating Dog Aggression

  • Which Medication Should be Used for Dog Aggression?

    Which Medication Should be Used for Dog Aggression?

    If you’re exploring medication options for dog aggression, this guide will help you understand which treatments might be suitable. Whether your dog is already on medication or you’re considering new options, this article provides insights into: Understanding Aggression in Dogs Aggression in dogs often signals a deeper issue, such as fear, anxiety, or medical conditions.…

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  • 5 Harsh Realities of Treating Dog Aggression

    5 Harsh Realities of Treating Dog Aggression

    On the surface treating dog aggression – if not a simple fix – can at least appear to be relatively straightforward. Teach your dog to do something that is incompatible with aggressive behavior. How hard can that be? Well, after the initial cycle of excitement and enthusiasm, there is the inevitable wake-up call to reality.…

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  • Training your aggressive dog to pay attention might help improve dog aggression

    Training your aggressive dog to pay attention might help improve dog aggression

    Training your aggressive dog to stop paying attention to something else and shift their to you will likely help to improve dog aggression. People with generalized social-phobia that have been trained to pay attention to non-threatening positive material and ignore threatening material, showed significantly greater reductions in self-reported, behavioral, and physiological measures of anxiety than…

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  • The World’s Worst Dog Aggression Advice

    The World’s Worst Dog Aggression Advice

    Everyone who has a dog seems to have an opinion on how to handle dog behavior problems and aggression is at the top of the list. Here is some of the worst advice for handing aggression in dogs that you should avoid. How many people still give out this kind of advice for treating behavior…

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  • The importance of getting your dog’s attention at the earliest stage of aggressive arousal.

    The importance of getting your dog’s attention at the earliest stage of aggressive arousal.

    We and our dogs are unable to pay full attention to more than one thing at a time. Outside of dogs that are aggressive toward their owners, it means that if you can hold your dogs attention, they will not be attention to whatever else he is becoming aggressive towards. Dogs that are not attending to the threats…

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  • Crazy dog at the door?  Trick or treat!

    Crazy dog at the door? Trick or treat!

    Hallowe’en comes every year.  If you have a dog that goes crazy at the door, Halloween is a nightmare.  At best you can hope to take your dog somewhere else where there are no tricker-treaters (good luck!).  Or perhaps you can hide out in your house with the house dark as if no one is…

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  • Environmental Enrichment (Part 4) Exercise and Play

    Environmental Enrichment (Part 4) Exercise and Play

    This is part 4 in our Environmental Enrichment series.  Part 1 talked about why it is important for aggressive dogs.  Part 2 discussed how to implements it.  Part 3 provided 15 examples to get your creative juices going.  Here in part 4, we talk about the importance of exercise and play, but also about some of…

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  • 15 ways you can help your dog beat boredom (Part 3)

    15 ways you can help your dog beat boredom (Part 3)

    This is Part 3 of our Environmental Enrichment series where we give you 15 tips on how to mentally and sometimes physically stimulate your dog. Many of these suggestions involve food, since dogs would naturally spend a lot of time tracking down food in the wild.  For example, African wild dogs spend an average of 3 and a…

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  • Environmental Enrichment (Part 2) Implementation

    Environmental Enrichment (Part 2) Implementation

      This is part 2 of the environmental enrichment for dogs from our upcoming book on dog aggression.  Part 1 talked about why environmental enrichment is important in trerating aggression in dogs.  In part 2 we will talk about some of the ways you can implement this. To start, think about what dogs typically do.…

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  • Environmental Enrichment (Part 1) Introduction

    Environmental Enrichment (Part 1) Introduction

    Environmental enrichment is discussed when it comes to dogs in shelters, but we don’t often see it in regards to treating aggression. Part 1 will be on why Environmental Enrichment is important. Part 2 and part 3 will be on ways you can increase environmental enrichment for your dog. What is environmental enrichment? Environmental is…

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